
简介:德国80年代柏林著名queer party 迪斯科酒吧 House Of Shame 10年如一日的星期四变性艺人秀,Chantal 从一名普通的吧女逐渐成名为地下同志文化的一个传奇。本片曾参展过柏林电影节和第17届巴黎Chéries-chéris同性恋电影节。House of Shame is a queer party in Berlin, offering disco dancing and ive acts every Thursday night. A different one every Thursday, for ten years now. Chantal is the organizer of the party and its host - for ten years now. Before, she was a working girl, streetwalking on trannie’s patch. Chantal is a transsexual.An underground legend.Chantal is the manager, hostess and stage-hogging front woman of ‘House of Shame-Party. In this documentary, filmmaker Johanna Jackie Baier tells her story. It begins with Chantal’s escape to Berlin from the confines of a small country town in southwest Germany in the autumn of 1980. Interweaving interviews and portraits, but also on- and off-stage stories, backstage gossip, copious amounts of music and excerpts from her shows, the film allows Chantal’s story to unfold before a backdrop of recent and very recent history. HOUSE OF SHAME takes us to the squats of Oranienstrasse of the early 1980s; to Martin Kippenberger’s newly founded club ‘SO36’; to the studios of the artists of the ‘Neuen Wilden’ movement (Salomé et al), and the epicenter of gay emancipation. The film also takes a look at the lives and deaths of transsexuals. No amount of colorful parades and riotous parties can conceal the fault lines in a personality: a body can thwart everything and lead to apartheid among sex workers, in bars and even in everyday professional life.The eponymous party is always the film’s focus. It’s been eleven years since this weekly party slot premiered. An instant hit, within a year, Chantal’s get together had become the Thursday night floor-filler par excellence. The event is now a must for any self-respecting visitor to Berlin game for encounters of the transgressive kind – regardless of whether this involves inter-, trans- or other queer gender transgressions or simply the line between good taste and burlesque… Masculine types, queens, courageous heterosexuals – they all queue up gladly to catch a glimpse of Chantal and her weird and wacky entourage.…



问:请问在哪里可以观看到剧情 《羞之耻辱》?

爱奇艺官方网友:《羞之耻辱》免vip在线观看地址是多少 /TVdetail/33867.html





百度视频 网友:哔哩哔哩情侣影院芒果TV


百度最佳答案太漂亮了,太厉害了。现在的技术已经能实现这种程度的还原了吗。人物也好景色也好,看着都是真实的,不认为是特效。最近压力很大,看着很舒服。一直喜欢羞之耻辱,有这部剧情 真的很幸运。



豆瓣电影网友:我无法正常地以看剧情 的心态来评价《羞之耻辱》。那是我的羞之耻辱童话,虚构了一个持续了十多年的真正的善美故事。我还是相信它,愿意陪伴这整个庄园多年的老朋友,哭笑不得地了解它们对熟悉关系的揶揄之心。编剧太宠他们了,对谁都好。