
简介:Hollywood (also known as Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film) is a 1980 documentary series produced by Thames Television which explored the establishment and development of the Hollywood studios and its impact on 1920s culture. The series consists of thirteen one hour episodes, with each episode dealing with a specific aspect of Hollywood history. The actor James Mason, an enthusiast of the period, supplied the narration; a lilting score was contributed by Carl Davis.Episodes: (1) The Pioneers; (2) In the Beginning; (3) Single Beds and Double Standards; (4) Hollywood Goes To War; (5) Hazard of the Game; (6) Swanson and Valentino; (7) The Autocrats; (8) Comedy - A Serious Business; (9) Out West; (10) The Man With the Megaphone; (11) Trick of the Light; (12) Star Treatment; (13) End of an Era.本套纪录片第十三集,也是本套纪录片最后一集,这套纪录片可参考原豆瓣纪录:…


Hollywood End of an Era常见问题

问:请问在哪里可以观看到《Hollywood End of an Era》?

爱奇艺官方网友:《Hollywood End of an Era》免vip在线观看地址是多少 /TVdetail/32467.html

问:《Hollywood End of an Era》是什么时候上映/什么时候开播的?


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问:请问可以在线观看《Hollywood End of an Era》有哪些网站?

百度视频 网友:哔哩哔哩情侣影院芒果TV

问:《Hollywood End of an Era》评价怎么样?

百度最佳答案太漂亮了,太厉害了。现在的技术已经能实现这种程度的还原了吗。人物也好景色也好,看着都是真实的,不认为是特效。最近压力很大,看着很舒服。一直喜欢Hollywood End of an Era,有这部真的很幸运。

Mtime时光网网友评价:昨天下午开始,看来Hollywood End of an Era,大家都很兴奋,感觉上班的时候辛苦死了。😂我在烦恼下班后是否周六再看,或者只看一两集。否则,要不要全部出来再看,纠结了好久,忍不住了,从昨晚11点多到现在,绝绝绝子,实在是太牛了。😭😭😭第七话真的是封神!!


豆瓣电影网友:我无法正常地以看的心态来评价《Hollywood End of an Era》。那是我的Hollywood End of an Era童话,虚构了一个持续了十多年的真正的善美故事。我还是相信它,愿意陪伴这整个庄园多年的老朋友,哭笑不得地了解它们对熟悉关系的揶揄之心。编剧太宠他们了,对谁都好。